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Quick guide about Apache Kafka: Powering Event-Driven architecture

Kafka Data Driven


In today's data-driven world, the ability to efficiently process and analyze vast amounts of data in real-time has become a game-changer for businesses and organizations of all sizes. From e-commerce platforms and social media to financial institutions and IoT devices, the demand for handling data streams at scale is ever-increasing. This is where Apache Kafka steps in as a pivotal tool in the world of event-driven architecture.

Imagine a technology that can seamlessly connect, process, and deliver data between countless systems and applications in real-time. Apache Kafka, often referred to as a distributed streaming platform, is precisely that technology. It's the unsung hero behind the scenes, enabling real-time data flow and providing a foundation for a multitude of modern data-driven applications.

In this quick guide about Apache Kafka, we'll take a deep dive into Apache Kafka, unraveling its core concepts, architecture, and use cases. Whether you're new to Kafka or looking to deepen your understanding, this guide will serve as your compass on a journey through the exciting world of real-time data streaming. We'll explore the fundamental principles of Kafka, share real-world examples of its applications, and provide practical insights for setting up your own Kafka environment.

So, let's embark on this adventure and discover how Apache Kafka is revolutionizing the way we handle data in the 21st century.

Key Concepts of Kafka

1. Topics

What Are Kafka Topics?

In Kafka, a topic is a logical channel or category for data. It acts as a named conduit for records, allowing producers to write data to specific topics and consumers to read from them. Think of topics as a way to categorize and segregate data streams. For example, in an e-commerce platform, you might have topics like "OrderUpdates," "InventoryChanges," and "CustomerFeedback," each dedicated to a specific type of data.

Kafka Topics

Partitioning within Topics

One of the powerful features of Kafka topics is partitioning. When a topic is divided into partitions, it enhances Kafka's ability to handle large volumes of data and distribute the load across multiple brokers. Partitions are the unit of parallelism in Kafka, and they provide fault tolerance, scalability, and parallel processing capabilities.

Each partition is ordered and immutable, and records within a partition are assigned a unique offset, which is a numeric identifier representing the position of a record within the partition. This offset is used by consumers to keep track of the data they have consumed, allowing them to resume from where they left off in case of failure or when processing real-time data.

Kafka Partitions

Data organization

Topics provide a structured way to organize data. They are particularly useful when dealing with multiple data sources and data types. Topics works as a storage within Kafka context where data sent by producers is organized into topics and partitions.

Publish-Subscribe Model

Kafka topics implement a publish-subscribe model, where producers publish data to a topic, and consumers subscribe to topics of interest to receive the data. An analogy that we can do is when we subscribe to a newsletter to receive some news or articles. When some news is posted, you as a subscriber will receive it.

Kafka Pub-sub model


Topics can be split into partitions, allowing Kafka to distribute data across multiple brokers for scalability and parallel processing.

Data Retention

Each topic can have its own data retention policy, defining how long data remains in the topic. This makes easier to manage the data volume wheter or not frees up space.

2. Producers

In Kafka, a producer is a crucial component responsible for sending data to Kafka topics. Think of producers as information originators—applications or systems that generate and publish records to specific topics within the Kafka cluster. These records could represent anything from user events on a website to system logs or financial transactions.

Producers are the source of truth for data in Kafka. They generate records and push them to designated topics for further processing. Also decide which Topic the message will be send based on the nature of the data. This ensures that data is appropriately categorized within the Kafka ecosystem.

Data Type

Usually producers send messages based on JSON format that makes easier the data transferring into the storage.

Acknowledgment Handling

Producers can handle acknowledgments from the Kafka broker, ensuring that data is successfully received and persisted. This acknowledgment mechanism contributes to data reliability.

Sending data to specific partitions

Producers can send messages directly to a specific partition within a Topic.

Kafka Producers

3. Consumers

Consumers are important components in the Kafka context, they are responsible for consuming and providing data from the source. Basically, consumers subscribe to Kafa Topics and any data produced there will be received by consumers representing the pub/sub approach.

Subscribing to Topics

Consumers actively subscribe to Kafka topics, indicating their interest in specific streams of data. This subscription model enables consumers to receive relevant information aligned with their use case.

Data Processing

Consumers will always receive new data from topics, each consumer is responsible for processing this data according to their needs. A microservice that works as a consumer for example, it can consume data from a topic responsible for storing application logs and performing any processing before delivering it to the user or to other third-party applications.

Integration between apps

As mentioned previously, Kafka enables applications to easily integrate their services across varied topics and consumers.

One of the most common use cases is integration between applications. In the past, applications needed to connect to different databases to access data from other applications, this created vulnerabilities and violated principles of responsibilities between applications. Technologies like Kafka make it possible to integrate different services using the pub/sub pattern where different consumers represented by applications can access the same topics and process this data in real time without the need to access third-party databases or any other data source, avoiding any security risk and added agility to the data delivery process.

Kafka use-case

4. Brokers

Brokers are fundamental pieces in Kafka's architecture, they are responsible for mediating and managing the exchange of messages between producers and consumers. Brokers manage the storage of data produced by producers and guarantee reliable transmission of data within a Kafka cluster.

In practice, Brokers have a transparent role within a Kafka cluster, but below I will highlight some of their responsibilities that make all the difference to the functioning of Kafka.

Data reception

Brokers are responsible for receiving the data, they function as an entry-point or proxy for the data produced and then manage all storage so that it can be consumed by any consumer.

Fault tolerance

Like all data architecture, we need to think about fault tolerance. In the context of Kafka, Brokers are responsible for ensuring that even in the event of failures, data is durable and maintains high availability. Brokers are responsible for managing the partitions within the topics capable of replicating the data, predicting any failure and reducing the possibility of data loss.

Data replication

As mentioned in the previous item, data replication is a way to reduce data loss in cases of failure. Data replication is done from multiple replicas of partitions stored in different Brokers, this allows that even if one Broker fails, there is data replicated in several others.

Responsible for managing partitions

We mentioned a recent article about partitions within topics but we did not mention who manages them. Partitions are managed by a Broker that works by coordinating reading and writing to that partition and also distributing data loading across the cluster.

In short, Brokers perform orchestration work within a Kafka cluster, managing the reading and writing done by producers and consumers, ensuring that message exchanges are carried out and that there will be no loss of data in the event of failures in some of its components through data replication also managed by them.


Apache Kafka stands as a versatile and powerful solution, addressing the complex demands of modern data-driven environments. Its scalable, fault-tolerant, and real-time capabilities make it an integral part of architectures handling large-scale, dynamic data streams.

Kafka has been adopted by different companies and business sectors such as Linkedin, where Kafka was developed by the way, Netflix, Uber, Airbnb, Wallmart, Goldman Sachs, Twitter and more.

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